Sunday, April 7, 2013

Early Spring WildFlowers

These are a few of the photos I took today and a few I have taken earlier this spring. The wildflowers here seem to be a little slower blooming than last year. They bloomed very early last year and this year is probably nearer normal.

                                              Jack in the Pulpit
Twisted Trillium
 Another Trillium
 White Toothwort    
                                        Trillium and a few Rue Anemone beside a stream


                                          White Phlox

Shooting Star
The shooting star and the white Phlox were taken on Rufner Mountain in Birmingham, Al.
I haven't seen either here. Yet.
                                          Trout Lily 

                                          Blue Hepatica

                                          White Hepatica

I'll add more spring wildflower photos as I find them. I checked some Showy Orchis today and they are up but not yet blooming.


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