Sunday, November 15, 2009

All Roads Lead to Chattanooga

Today was a fun day.
Suzan and I traveled to  Tennessee for our weekly adventure at the Chattanooga Market there.

It was an interesting trip  and I took a lot of photos. We hadn't gone far when I spotted the Northern Lights, aurora borealis, on the horizon. It was beautiful. I saw them once in Alaska, but these were prettier.

It wasn't long after that that we entered a thick fog, but up ahead I could see Mount Kilimanjaro rising up to the sky, another beautiful sight. We headed in that direction.

There was smoke rising up like a snake out over the Serengeti. I guess it was from a grass fire or something.

A few more twists and turns of the road and we were  looking at the fog covered Shenandoah Valley.
 Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you,
                                                       Away, you rolling river
                                                     Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you
                                     Away, I'm bound away, cross the wide Missouri.

                                  Speaking of Missiouri, guess what we saw right up ahead.

The St. Louis Gateway Arch. I remembered it being taller and wider.

Just ahead I spotted a castle high in the Bavarian Alps. Suzan couldn't look because she was driving at the time.

After that things were kind of uneventful. Soon we were at the Thames River.
I could see Chattanooga in the distance.

Mount Everest was off to the East a little ways.

Finally, here we were at the exit. Who'd want to go to Knoxville or Atlanta anyway?

The Market was just ahead.

Yup, this is the right place.

I get confused sometimes, but I didn't just fall off a turnip truck.

That's all


1 comment:

Lana said...

Hi Chuck ~ I loved this little "all roads lead to Chattanooga" threw me for a minute when I read that you saw aurora borealis...then I kept reading. What a neat way to look at this beautiful part of the USA we live in. :+} Thanks Lana